Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snowflake Art

My Kindergarten students love art. They love everything from glitter to paint to crayons! Therefore when my sister shared this awesome art post from Mrs. T's Class, I knew it would be perfect for my Kindergartners.

My class first read The Snowy Day. They loved the story and I was thrilled when a student commented on the pretty colors in the book. Most of the story has very warm colors as the boy walks along the street but on a few pages, cool colors are used. We learned all about warm/cool colors and how they can depict emotion.

Finally, I shared with them the snowflake art using warm/cool paint colors. Each student picked either warm or cool colors. Each student also held the wood snowflakes on their own and used sponges to paint around the wood snowflake. (Yes, Kindergarteners are capable of doing this independently!!) After covering the page with paint, they lifted the wood snowflakes off. Voila! Beautiful snowflake art!

Snowflake art supplies needed:
- warm paints: red, yellow, orange
- cool paints: blue, green, purple
- sponges
- 1/4" wood snowflakes (I actually used wood flowers from Walmart.....75 cents!)
- White construction paper

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