Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Grandfriends' (Grandparents') Day

So how many of y'all have a Grandparents' or Grandfriends' Day at your school? My school in St. Louis did not have that, so when I moved to Dallas and learned my new school would have one, I'm not going to lie--I was a leetle bit nervous my first year.
Since then, I've come to enjoy this special morning for my kindergartners. So, if you want a stress-free Grandfriends' Day, here's my method:

1-Write letters to grandparents about a month before, inviting them to the special day. I have a form letter with space for the students to draw a picture of their grandma or grandpa (or other special friend!). Then students address the letter, writing "Dear _____" and sign it with their name. I already have our school address and a little message typed about when the date is and that we hope the grandfriend will write a letter back to us at school AND include a drawing of himself or herself! Then I send these letters home with my students, along with a note to mom and dad that they are responsible for mailing the letters to the grandfriends.

2-Wait eagerly by your school's mailbox! Seriously. We LOVE getting mail! Check out a few of the cute letters we have received so far this year.

3-Celebrate Grandfriends' Day! I do this in the MOST laid-back way possible. I tell the students that THEY are in charge! THEY need to show their grandfriend around the classroom. THEY need to get out their book pockets and read to the grandfriend. THEY need to get out their writing folders and read their writing to their grandfriend. THEY need to get out their math journals and show off their awesome thinking!

4-Now, because some students will whip through all of that in 2.5 minutes, I do have a backup activity. Students can make a great little book with their grandfriend. Check out a couple pictures below and then head to our TPT store to snag your own copy!

5-Put your feet up and relax when you make it home after a busy, busy Grandfriends Day!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Olympic Writing

The Winter Olympic games are about to begin and my class is ready to root for the USA! This year my class is overrun with boys and I knew these boys would LOVE to learn about the winter game sports.


My class first learned about the Olympic games by browsing this website:http://www.olympic.org/sports

It lists all the winter sports and when you click on one, it shows an awesome picture. I researched ahead of time enough to explain a little better about each sport and what kinds of equipment needed for a particular sport.

Visit our TPT store for the Olympic Sport writing freebie! :)


After learning about the sports, each had to write/draw about their favorite Olympic sport and justify their response.


The second part of our Olympic learning was about the Olympic flag. We learned about the significance of the rings and colors in the flag. See this link if you want to read about it:http://www.olympics.mu/meaning-olympic-rings.html


We made the Olympic symbol using toliet paper rolls dipped in paint. 


Visit our TPT store for this freebie!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snowflake Art

My Kindergarten students love art. They love everything from glitter to paint to crayons! Therefore when my sister shared this awesome art post from Mrs. T's Class, I knew it would be perfect for my Kindergartners.

My class first read The Snowy Day. They loved the story and I was thrilled when a student commented on the pretty colors in the book. Most of the story has very warm colors as the boy walks along the street but on a few pages, cool colors are used. We learned all about warm/cool colors and how they can depict emotion.

Finally, I shared with them the snowflake art using warm/cool paint colors. Each student picked either warm or cool colors. Each student also held the wood snowflakes on their own and used sponges to paint around the wood snowflake. (Yes, Kindergarteners are capable of doing this independently!!) After covering the page with paint, they lifted the wood snowflakes off. Voila! Beautiful snowflake art!

Snowflake art supplies needed:
- warm paints: red, yellow, orange
- cool paints: blue, green, purple
- sponges
- 1/4" wood snowflakes (I actually used wood flowers from Walmart.....75 cents!)
- White construction paper

3D Shapes Galore

One of my favorite things to teach in math is 3-dimensional shapes. Please tell me I'm not alone! :)

We do all sorts of things with 3D shapes but below are a few of my favorite things:
1. Build & Learn Geometry Kit - It's only $20 but my kids love it. I let them build different 3D shapes in small groups. This is also great for differentiation because if you have students who aren't quite ready for 3D shapes, they can build 2D shapes instead!
2. For our snack math day - we build 3D shapes out of pretzel sticks & marshmallows.
3. Rock out to Harry Kindergarten 3D shapes song.
4. 3D shape search with post it's! 

Number 4 on that list is my absolute favorite. It is simple with no prep work and the kids love taking control of their own learning. Here's how it goes:
I typically set a timer for about 2 minutes and have the students wander the room checking all around for 3D shapes. After 2 minutes, they grab a post it and a pencil. They have an additional 2-3 minutes to draw/write their object. Once the timer goes off, students gather on the carpet to share. The smart board already has the file up and ready for sticky notes! Each student goes to the front, shares what they found, states what 3D shape it is, and sticks the note under the correct 3D shape picture.

Click here for the smart board freebie file.

I find this is a great exercise for not just learning 3D shapes, but also public speaking (a common core bonus)!